Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 5: Tubing!

So we spent the night with the deHavillands, woke up and bummed around.  Then we went to Frenchtown, NJ (a really cute little town) for lunch and TUBING!  We went on the Delaware River on the border of NJ and PA.  We didn't take our cameras or phones, so I have no pictures to share, but I assure you that it was really really weird.  See the site:  River Hot Dog Man.  Basically, we took a bus up river, then floated down in a tube.  Halfway, there is a hot dot stand in the water, with picnic tables, in the water.  Lots of fun, relaxing, and I DIDN'T get sunburned, but Ellen did.  Then we watched some stuff on Netflix and went to bed.  Back to the trail in the morning.