Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 3: Canopus Lake

We only made it to Canapus Lake yesterday (4 miles..and the snack bar was closed by the time we got there, yes we moved that slow).  It is a pretty big lake and we swam in a secluded part, I washed my clothes and hung them to dry.  Turns out we don't react to poison ivy, which we went through to get to the water.  We floated around on our sleeping mats and I got a sun burn (of course). Only made it 4 miles yesterday because Chad's knees were really really bad and downhill was very painful for him.  So, we spent the night (illegally aka stealth camp) on the beach with our trail friend Jonny Walker.  We had some asian noodles for dinner, then played rummy on a picnic table, with a flashlight hanging from a tripod made with trekking poles, covered with a bug net which is Johnny Walker's tent.  Jonny Walker and I tied at 315 while Chad only made it to 100 points.  We finished off a tiny bottle of Maker's Mark and went to bed.  Very comfortable on the sand, and the sky was beautiful.

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