Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 4: Physical Therapy

Found cockroaches in my pack this morning.  Johnny Walker cleaned them all out.  Chad's Aunt Allison picked us up at Canopus Lake this morning so he could go see a physical therapist about his knees.  Don't want to be causing any permanent damage.  Turns out it is only an IT band injury and though it will be painful, no major harm can be done by hiking more.  Most physical therapists would say to take a few weeks off, but this doctor was a trail runner and said to give it a few days and get back out there!  This is good news because my blisters and toes will have time to heal.  As for my big toenail, I'll have to drain fluid from the nail bed, ice it and soak it in epsom salt.  Today, I took two 3 hour naps in air conditioning, and Aunt Allison made us a delicious pasta dinner.  And we ate cookies.  We also did laundry, and showered, and smell excellent.


  1. so uhhhmmm.... how are you guys showering? late night skinny dipping in the creeks? u guys b carefull out there there already was a chopper out looking for 2 missing hikers......the good news is they were found.....and were not you guys......the bad news is.. the superman is still closed!

  2. well, we usually take "bandana baths" it is like a washcloth bath, but when you don't have a washcloth. And we did go swimming in a lake, in our clothes, so we could clean them too. No skinny dipping!

  3. ummmmmmmmmmmmmm....swallow your pride.......come home...PPPPPPLLLLLLEEEEEAAAASSSEEE!!!! and if ya want an "adventure" ya can come live w/ me! :) how many opporotunities does a sis have to move in w/ an older sis for 5.5 weeks!!! I
    t'll be a summer we'll both remember forever. we can camp in the yard, cook on the firepit....clean the kids bedrooms, read story books EVrynight and send photopostcards to loved ones, ya can tube off the back of the boat, i'll let ya take a @#$%^@#$ bath on the swim platform of the boat. Ya get to suds up and wash your hair on the river. I like to call it "roughing it in luxory" since the water is heated. listen to live music every night, go to the town pool, walk or ride the bike path, catch frogs and fireflies........... PLEASE? (yes.this is a selfish request :) ...and if ya come home. I PROMICE_ i'll go w/ ya to the pig roast!!!!!!!!!! AND slip n' slide - rain or not :)

  4. Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!

  5. keep going! keep going! you can do it Val and Chad! :) Mindy that does sound like an awesome summer, though.

  6. You GO BABY GIRL ! How is "tweener" doing ? Will miss you at the family reunion but will be proud to boast of your adventure ! Love and HUGS ! Mom
