Met Dan (my brother) at 8am where the trail meets a road. some speed bumps in our plan: place we had planned to stay is no longer in business, it is the weekend and everything is booked, we desperately needed to do laundry and take showers. so, we found the closest motel for under $100. this place sucks, and it is a smoking room. showered, went to go see Harry Potter (yay!) and bought some beer and cigars for our smoking room. went to grocery store and got some treats for tomorrow night (corn on the cob and sausages) and some other treats for the trail (olive oil, peanut butter, nutella, jelly & naan). went out for lunch at Panchos while we did laundry. picture is of me feeding dan ice cream after dinner. now we are back in the motel, debating whether to sleep IN the beds, or ON the beds in our sleeping bags. oh, and when Chad went to plug in the fridge, he found a pink pair
of shorts behind it. yum. don't stay at the Heart of the Berkshires Motel. goodnight!
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I think this is how I got the chocolate syrup on my shorts which in turn contributed additional stains to the bed at the motel.