left camp at 7:15am, summited Saddle Ball Mtn (3238ft) and Mt Greylock (3491ft). A lighthouse sits at trhe summit (and smells like urine inside) as a tribute to soldiers of MA. On a clear day you can see the Green Mtns of VT, Catskills and Taconic Mtns. We will have an overpriced 2nd breakfast ay Bascom Lodge up here, and might even stick around for lunch so Chad can have a burger. Food tastes better on top of a mountain. PS: I saw a girl eat a "breakfast burrito" this morning that consisted of a tortilla with nutella and m&m's. this is socially acceptable among hikers, and I need to get some tortillas.
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Are you sure it's the lighthouse that smells like urine? You might have been simply standing downwind from Chad.